Thursday, November 21, 2019

Tech Terms Crash Course 19 Terms to Know

Tech Terms Crash Course 19 Terms to KnowTech Terms Crash Course 19 Terms to KnowAs you start learning about all things tech, youll probably ansturm across so many new vocabulary words that you feel like youre back in high school studying for the SAT again. To get you started, heres a guide to basic ?tech terms everyone should know...even if youre a beginner. User Experience (UX) User Experience deals with the way a person experiences a product, especially in regards to websites or apps. UX is primarily concerned with ease of use and user satisfaction/enjoyment. Sitemap An outline of all the pages on a websiteUI User interface. Every part of a machine that users interact with counts things like displays, screens, keyboards, mouse/touchpads, etc.User research Observation and analysis conducted with the goal of understanding user needs and behaviors.Wireframe Sketch of what a website/web app will look like, includes key components on the site. Workflow Tools Hardware Tools that help increase your productivity and efficiency. Text editor Software used in coding and programming to write plain, unformatted text. Examples Sublime Text, Brackets, TextEdit, TextWrangler, NotepadIDE Integrated development environment. Helps people program more efficiently. Similar to a text editor, but has more features. Examples PyCharm, WebstormRouter A router is the step between a modem and a computer. When information arrives at a modem via broadband, the router deciphers and sends that data to your computer.Virtual machine (VM) A virtual machine is, essentially, software that behaves like hardware it has no physical presence but can run programs like a physical machine. The two types of VMs are system virtual machines (designed to run entire operating systems) and process virtual machines (designed to run only one program). Virtual Private Network (VPN) VPNs provide an additional layer of security to networks. They can be used for public or private networks, but are most co mmon in corporations that want to protect data.Version control Version control is a system that tracks changes to a file or set of files over time. It allows you to recall specific versions later if certain changes fail to work, saving you the trouble of undoing all the steps.Task manager Applications that make it possible to automate repetitive but necessary tasks, streamlining your work process. Examples Grunt, Gulp Front-end Development Also known as the client side, because its what users/clients will see on their computers. The front end of a website or app involves the display/design coded into it. HTML Hypertext Markup Language. The face of the internet. All websites have HTML. Web browsers read HTML files and convert them into the website you ultimately see.CSS Cascading Style Sheets. If HTML is the face, CSS is the makeup. It allows you to choose styles and add variety.JavaScript Runs in the client (one of the few programming languages that do). fruchtwein popular lang uage in web development. Now used on the back end, too. Back-end Development Often called server side, the back end is what happens behind the scenes to make a website or app run- the front end is the face, and the back end is the brain. Includes servers and databases. API Application Programming Interface. Used in software development to provide a set of rules and building blocks for a program.Database Collection of a web apps data.DevOps Software development method designed to help teams communicate and work together better. Unites developers with other IT workers with the end goal of increased production and efficiency.Framework Full term is web application framework. These trim the time that it takes to build a website/app by providing pre-coded templates and libraries, so you have a base to build on. Web server The primary purpose of a web server is to store content and deliver it to clients. It can be hardware (a web-accessible computer) or software (a program that detects and responds to server requests). Conclusion 19 tech terms down, only a couple hundred (or thousands) to go. Take it slow, dont get overwhelmed, and youll have them mastered in no time.

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